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Common daily life situations that are of concerns to parents and teachers:

Consider the following scenarios. Do any of them sound familiar? If so, then your child may need formal psychological assessment in order to understand the root cause of their difficulties.


  • “My son cannot focus, and it is greatly affecting his grades at school.”


  • “My son’s teachers and school complain about his behavior several times a week. They say that he cannot sit still in his own seat. His hands are always touching things in the classroom like his eraser, ruler or holding a small paper ball between his fingers. At times, he even gets out of his seat and walks around in the classroom disturbing others.”


  • “My daughter always has trouble finishing her homework on her own. She is also very disorganized. She just stuffs all her school worksheets and everything into her backpack. Often, she loses or forgets things like pens, books, or tools needed for school tasks.”


  • “My daughter easily gets nervous in social situations. Her face turns red, her palm starts sweating or she just freezes if she is asked to approach someone or speak in front of others. I know she feels shameful about this.”


  • “My son isolates himself from his friends and classmates. He has droped out of all of the extracurricular activities that he enjoyed so much before. He even left his school basketball team for which he worked so hard to get in.”


  • “For the past three months my daughter has not been able to fall asleep until three or four o’clock in the morning. She has been worrying about her final examinations since the beginning of the semester.”


  •  “My son talks and sings freely at home, but he becomes completely nonverbal at school or when he is around strangers. If he wants to communicate, he will whisper or use gestures instead of spoken language.”


  • “My daughter cries every morning and refuses to go to school. I don’t know what to do.”


These scenarios represent the observations and worries of concerned parents for their children. Such scenarios may indicate normal and transitional developmental phases of children and are not uncommon. However, if such situations persist over time and negatively impact a child’s daily functioning and development in important areas (including academic, cognitive, social, emotional, mental and physical development) it is an indication that something is stuck and help is needed. At such a point, professional psychological assessment is in order to help the child and their family.


Is your child suffering from a learning disability, attention problem, emotional problems or a combination of the above? Our clinical psychologists will perform various tests and conduct interviews to identify the underlying causes. This is essential so that so that appropriate intervention can be offered to help the child overcome and cope with the problems they are facing.

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